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Lands and Resource Department

P.O. Box 960

Wabasca, AB T0G2K0

Phone: (780) 891-3836
Fax: (780) 891-3888

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The Lands Department is responsible for the administration and management of Reserve and TLE Lands governed by Bigstone Cree Nation.

Our program plays many roles within the Nation that includes conservation, protection and enforcement of bylaws while ensuring land is developed responsibly.


Our Dept. is guided by a land use plan, bylaws and development guidelines for residential, commercial and industrial development on Reserve.

Our program is designed to ensure the Land and Natural Resources are managed sustainably to meet the needs of today’s membership and the future generations.

If you, or someone you know, would like to develop on reserve lands, please contact the Lands Department.

Instrument Implementation

For other land uses besides residential, a formal legal document or “instrument” needs to be executed. Ex. If you are using reserve land for grazing, haying and other agricultural purposes, you are required to have an agricultural permit.

After a review by the Department, these instruments are then be presented to Chief and Council for their review and approval (or refusal).

And depending on the Instrument, there may be a Community Consultation Requirement.

  • Oil and Gas Lease

  • Agriculture Permits

  • Road Use Agreements

  • Right of Entry Permits

  • Sand and Gravel Permit

  • Timber Permit


If you are applying or selecting land for Residential use, you are required to contact our office in order to properly register and administer your land use.

This includes;

  • Residence Confirmation

  • Land Selection (2 week public notice)

  • Temporary Land Occupancy (1 year compliance)

  • Permanent Land Occupancy

  • Transfer of Land

  • Sub-Dividing of Land

  • Lot Boundary

  • Maps by our GIS Technicians (By approval of Manager only)

  • Civic signs

Be Advised - Any transfer of land or other document done without the involvement of the Lands and Consultation Dept. may not be recognized.

Resource Management and Development


Bigstone Cree Nation has over 100 surface and sub-surface leases for Oil and Gas within all its 5 Reserves. (Excluding Jean Baptiste Gambler Reserve # 183).

This Department assists the Chief and Council collectively administer and approve Oil and Gas Development through the following;

  • Exploration and Surveys

  • Leases

  • Right of Entry

  • Bigstone Council Resolutions

  • Regulations

  • History / Monitoring of every well

  • Abandonments / Reclamation

  • Surrenders / Orphan Well

Our office also conducts Environmental Audits and Monitoring of all Development activity, which includes the following Oil and Gas Operators;

  • Bigstone Oil and Gas Ltd.

  • Crescent Point Energy.

  • Husky Energy

  • Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.

  • Tidewater Midstream


​Keyanew Enterprises Ltd. (An entity of Bigstone Cree Nation) was approved to develop a Sand and Gravel Pit on Reserve # 166. This department handles the permitting, monitoring and reporting for such development.


From time immemorial our ancestors have used the forest for our benefit and prosperity.

We need to use that knowledge and skill to sustain us, not only our sustenance but also for the continuation and strength of our culture.

Fire Smart Planning is one of the recent additions under the management of the Lands and Consultation Department.

A Wild Fire Mitigation Strategy was developed in 2017 which we used to submit applications to INAC and Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA)

We hope this continues on an annual basis, as our land base in the future will include TLE lands and as our forests continue to mature.



The Lands and Consultation Dept. recognizes and respects the authority and jurisdiction of the Wabasca Trapper Association.

Although sometimes the trapper is the most knowledgeable, the trapper is the least recognized land user, Therefore we help with negotiations, technical interpretation, site assessments and map development.  


Troy Stuart

Land Manager

Brendon Lamouche

GIS Technician

Darrell Anderson

Lands Officer

Jessica Johnson

Lands Officer (Calling Lake)

Neil Gladue

Bylaw Officer

Honorable Mention to Elders and Trappers who made this department what is today:


  • Clement "Cheepom" Auger

  • Mike Beaver, August Beaver

  • Floyd Beaver, P. Ray Peters

  • Helen Noskiye

  • Jack Gambler 

Bigstone Cree Nation Overview

We, the members of the Bigstone Cree Nation have enjoyed a culture, language and a way of life reliant on what the land has provided within our Territory. This quite enjoyment of the land was secured through the signing of the Treaty 8 as understood by our Elders.

The Ancestral Territory of the Bigstone Cree Nation encompasses 29,370 square kilometers of the Treaty 8 land base.  And within our Territory Chief and Council govern 21,076 Hectares of Reserve Lands and over 37,222.74 Hectares of settlement lands gained through Treaty Land Entitlement.

Today, more than 5,400 people inhabit the Traditional Area where many of the people continue to pursue a livelihood alongside culture and traditions that are inextricably linked with the land and water. This includes the men and women who not only use the land for trapping but for medicinal and spiritual purposes.

The Lands Dept. is there to ensure our lands are resources are managed sustainably by implementing Policy, projects and initiatives such as the Land Use Plan, Land Code and Consultation Policy.

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